
What to Wear in a Hyperbaric Chamber: A Guide to Comfort and Safety 2024

Hyperbaric chambers, previously limited to specialized medical treatments, have become widely used for various health conditions.

It’s essential to know the right clothing to wear in these chambers, as it affects both your comfort and safety. In this guide, we’ll cover all you need to know about the proper attire and safety practices for undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in 2024.

Hyperbaric Chambers Explained


Before digging into the specifics of attire, it’s essential to grasp the basics of hyperbaric chambers and their purpose.

The Purpose

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room or chamber.

This therapy is used for various medical conditions, such as decompression sickness suffered by divers, serious infections, bubbles of air in blood vessels, and wounds that won’t heal due to diabetes or radiation injury.

How Do They Work

In a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, air pressure is tripled compared to what we experience normally.

This allows your lungs to absorb more oxygen than they could at standard air pressure. This extra oxygen is then circulated throughout your body, helping to speed up the healing process.

Types of Hyperbaric Chambers

There are two main types of hyperbaric chambers: monoplace and multiplace chambers. Monoplace chambers accommodate one person, while multiplace chambers can treat multiple patients simultaneously. The attire requirements may vary slightly depending on the type of chamber.

For those interested in the specifics of hyperbaric chamber technology, including features like low maintenance costs, quick therapy results, and suitability for all ages, exploring hyperbaric oxygen machines provides valuable insights into these advanced medical devices.

Clothing Guidelines for Hyperbaric Chambers


The type of clothing worn during HBOT is crucial for both the effectiveness of the treatment and the safety of the patient.

Fabrics and Materials

Materials you wear in a hyperbaric chamber should be natural fibers like cotton. Synthetic fibers can create static electricity, posing a fire hazard under high oxygen conditions.

Recommended Clothing

  • 100% Cotton Garments: This includes shirts, pants, and undergarments. Cotton is breathable and less likely to cause static.
  • No Synthetic Fabrics: Avoid nylon, polyester, or spandex, as they can generate static electricity.
  • Loose-Fitting Clothes: Comfort is key during treatment. Tight clothing can restrict circulation, which is counterproductive.

Accessories and Additional Clothing Items

  • No Metal: Zippers, buttons, or other metal on clothing should be avoided.
  • Footwear: Soft, cotton socks are recommended. No shoes are allowed inside the chamber.
  • Headwear: A cotton head cover is usually provided by the facility to protect your hair and the chamber’s interior.

Safety Considerations

  • No Jewelry: All jewelry, including watches and earrings, should be removed to prevent injuries and reduce the risk of sparking from metal.
  • No Makeup or Perfumes: These products can contain petroleum and alcohol, which are flammable.

Preparing for Your Hyperbaric Session


Preparing for your hyperbaric oxygen therapy session involves more than just choosing the right clothing.

Physical Preparation

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water before your session to stay hydrated.
  • Eating: Have a light meal a couple of hours before. Avoid heavy meals that might cause discomfort.

Medical Precautions

  • Inform Your Technician: If you have a cold, flu, fever, or sinus issues, inform your technician. These conditions can affect your ability to equalize pressure in your ears.
  • Medications: Notify the staff about any medications you are taking, as some may influence your response to HBOT.

Mental Preparation

  • Understand the Process: Knowing what to expect can ease anxiety.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Practices like deep breathing or meditation can help if you feel claustrophobic.

Aftercare and Post-Session Tips


Following your session, there are a few tips to ensure your continued comfort and maximize the benefits of your therapy.

Physical Aftercare

  • Ear Care: You may experience pressure in your ears similar to what you feel in an airplane. Gentle techniques to equalize ear pressure can be helpful.
  • Hydration: Continue to drink water to help flush out any toxins released during the session.

Monitoring Your Health

  • Watch for Changes: Pay attention to how your body feels after the session. Any unusual symptoms should be reported to your doctor.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Keep all follow-up appointments to track your progress.

Long-Term Considerations

  • Repeat Sessions: HBOT often requires multiple sessions. Stick to the schedule prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Incorporating a healthy lifestyle can augment the benefits of HBOT. This includes balanced nutrition, exercise, and avoiding smoking.

Common Concerns in Hyperbaric Therapy

In addition to understanding what to wear, addressing common concerns surrounding hyperbaric oxygen therapy is crucial for patients.

Dealing with Claustrophobia

Many individuals may feel anxious or claustrophobic in a hyperbaric chamber, especially in monoplace chambers.

Strategies to Cope

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Techniques like deep breathing or visualization can help calm your nerves.
  • Communication: Stay in contact with the staff outside the chamber through the communication system.
  • Familiarization: Ask to see and sit in the chamber before your first session to become familiar with the environment.

Potential Side Effects

While HBOT is generally safe, being aware of potential side effects is important.

Common Side Effects

  • Ear Pressure: Similar to the sensation during an airplane takeoff or landing.
  • Sinus Pressure: Can occur due to changes in air pressure.
  • Fatigue: Some people feel tired after a session.

Going Beyond Medical Settings


The use of hyperbaric chambers extends beyond traditional medical settings into areas such as sports and wellness.

Use in Sports Medicine

  • Recovery Enhancement: Athletes use HBOT to accelerate recovery from injuries.
  • Performance Improvement: Some evidence suggests HBOT can enhance overall athletic performance.

Wellness and Spa Industry

  • Stress Relief and Detoxification: HBOT is offered in some spas for relaxation and detoxification purposes.
  • Beauty and Anti-Aging Treatments: Increasingly used as part of anti-aging and skincare regimens.

Concluding Thoughts

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a fascinating field that combines cutting-edge science with practical healthcare. Understanding what to wear and how to prepare for your session can significantly impact the comfort and effectiveness of the treatment.

As HBOT continues to evolve and expand into new areas, staying informed about best practices is key for both patients and practitioners. With the right approach, hyperbaric therapy can be a valuable tool in your health and wellness arsenal.

Remember to always put safety and comfort first by selecting appropriate attire and getting ready both mentally and physically for your session. Stay informed about the latest in HBOT technology and uses. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a journey towards better healing and wellness, and being well-prepared is key to making the most of this advanced therapy.

About Hanna Knowles