How to Prepare for Your First Public Relations Interview

Are you a Marketing professional who has landed a job interview for your first Public Relations (PR) position? The world of PR is fast-paced, and there’s never a dull moment. Marketing and PR are very closely related, as both industries aim to sell products and services to the public. PR’s …

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5 Things to Know Before Moving to Auckland

If you have moved at least once in the past, you probably remember how much stress the process caused. Whether you are moving to another city or a new country, the very fact that you will change your place of residence for a significant period of time requires adjustment and …

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What Do you Feel When you Take CBD?

Understandably, when many people hear the mention of CBD, the first thing that runs through their minds is it’s a connection to cannabis. This sets off an element of scepticism that we strongly believe is unfounded. Unlike pure cannabis, CBD doesn’t contain any THC – which is the element of …

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Vape Tank

It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started your vaping journey or you’re a vaping veteran, everybody needs to clean their vape tank. A grimy tank doesn’t do your e-liquids any favours and stops you from making the most out of your vape. Getting into the habit of consistent and thorough …

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How to Stack Things in Your Favour While Gambling

Gambling is a pastime that millions of people enjoy around the world. The battle between you and your bookmaker is a fascinating tussle, but for many, this is ultimately a losing battle. If you want to have any chance of beating your bookmaker and coming out on top then you …

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Reasons Why You Need an Electrician For Your Home Electrical Renovation

An electrician is a certified expert who deals with electrical malfunctions or issues. The electricians are certified to properly diagnose a problem and prescribe solutions leading to the prevention of electric surges, accidents, and firebreaks. Some of the reasons why you would need an electrician for your home electrical renovations …

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Does A Pax 2 Smell?

If discretion and smell are really your top priority, the PAX 2 is probably the best choice you can make. If the smell inside is a problem and there is sufficient air circulation, make sure the pot is simply not airtight. The smell can be bad if it looks like …

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4 Tips for Building Your First BigCommerce Store

Starting your own business is amazing. You finally have the freedom to do things on your own, without someone else telling you what needs to be done and when. ECommerce, by definition, is the process where people buy or sell things online throughout a website. Nowadays there are between 15 …

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How to Choose the Right Cleanser for Your Skin

Every day, the skin is exposed to many external aggressors. From dirt particles to makeup, and sweat, the skin is one of the organs exposed to germs a lot.  Skin cleansing is arguably one of the most crucial steps in any extensive skincare routine, and having a good skin cleanser …

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How CBD Oil For Horses Can Help your Pet

Many have heard about all the benefits that humans can reap from consuming CBD. It is mainly used for improving behavioral issues and chronic pain. But, we can see that, with it having a whole new industry that generates billions of dollars every year, some new opportunities have been found. …

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