No doubt having a swimming pool in your garden will provide a perfect gathering place for family and friends. Not only are they great for cooling down during a hot summer day, but they also make great lounging areas where you can relax and have fun with your family, and entertain all your guests.
Pools are on many homeowner’s wishlists, but installing one in your home is a major investment and there are a lot of things one should take into consideration before deciding whether or not to invest. There is a vast variety of swimming pools on the market, but if you are keen on having an in-ground or an above ground pool, such as the one you can find at, in your backyard, here are some things to keep in mind.
The Reason for Having One

Establishing your reasons for having a pool will greatly influence its size, shape, and depth. Whether it will be used for relaxing, recreation, or laps, having a clear idea of its purpose will make it easier to sort out the rest of the decisions.
The Site
Steep slopes, sandy, rocky, or unstable soil, and a high water table will make building trickier, making the construction costs higher. The location and size of your property will also determine the design, size, and shape of your pool.
Shading from other buildings or trees might also limit your positioning options and urban areas have strict requirements about it being positioned near property boundaries. If you are unsure about the suitability of your site, certain pool building companies, like Donehues Leisure, will come out, have a look, and give you an expert opinion on it.
The Placement

You should check building regulations regarding site coverage, fencing requirements, as well as the location of utilities such as gas lines, electrical lines, and more. Other factors to consider include sightlines, sun exposure, accessibility, storage, and wind exposure.
The Cost
Concrete pools are more expensive than fiberglass and this is mostly due to the fact that many of them have a customized shape and size. Pool-installation also comes with many additional costs, such as covers, decking, landscaping, and more. Another thing to keep in mind is the ongoing cost of filtration and maintaining water cleanliness. To get more information about this, you can check out DoneHuesLeisure.
The Material

The most popular materials used are concrete and fiberglass. Both have their pros and cons so you should think about what option is best for you. The installation of a concrete pool takes longer and bad weather conditions can delay its construction. However, they offer flexibility in terms of depth, shape, and size.
Fiberglass pools are cost-effective and are dominating the market due to this. They are pre-molded into various shapes which are then positioned in a hole in the ground or set above it. This type has far fewer problems with chemical imbalances and the finishing gel coat is extremely durable and resistant to mold or stains.
In-Ground or Above-Ground?
In-ground pools might be a bit more expensive due to soil excavation and removal, but they also provide a more permanent feel as opposed to most above-ground types. Installing an above-ground fiberglass pool (check out the Bestway on PoolJudge) with a surrounding deck might be easier and cheaper if you have a steep site and if accessing it is tricky.
There are many factors to take into account when purchasing a pool, so make sure to put extra thought and effort into your decision. Choose the right location and avoid cutting corners to make sure that you will end up with a pool that will cater to your needs, reflect your personal taste, and provide a perfect spot for having a great time and bringing everyone together.