Many people will tell you that spring is their favorite part of the year. There are several different reasons why they tell this.
First of all, the cold weather is ending. We do not want to say that there will be sun every single day. However, low temperatures are something you can forget for a couple of months. Despite that, nature starts to wake up. This is especially important to people that live in urban cities. They do not have many opportunities to enjoy nature. Because of that, they are barely waiting for spring to start.
Anyway, nature is not the only thing that changes during the spring. Many people around the world also change the décor of their home. Logically, our home is the place where we spend our time the most. That’s why we need to make it comfortable for all parts of the year.
Still, we know that this might be a complex process. You start with one idea, but we usually replace it with a couple of them before we find the right one. We are here to give you some spring decorating ideas. However, we tend to inspire you for some amazing designs. You need to make it more suitable for your home.
So, let’s get started.
White Beadboard

Okay, as we said, spring is the part of the year when everything wakes up. Because of that, the best spring designs are those that are waking up the entire home. One of the ways to do that is to add white-painted beadboard to your rooms. We will use metaphor and say that beadboards are some sort of dress for the room walls. Thanks to them, you will add two things – interest and texture. You don’t have to be a genius to apply them to the room walls. Despite that, our recommendation is to add a wainscot or simply expend it to the ceiling.
Bring the Nature in Your Home

Well, this is something that you can do in all parts of the year. The nature inside the house always breaks up the monotony. However, the best possible part of the year to do that is spring. You will let nature in which will also bring new positive emotions in your home.
First of all, you can bring some flowers to your home. They should not fulfill the entire space. However, a small plant on a table and the larger one in the corner of your room would be enough.
Despite that, putting nature on the room walls is also a good choice. For example, you can add some images of flowers and put them on the “main” wall of your room.
There is one additional tip that we would want to add here. If your walls are white, then you should add images with white background and white frames. This will make the décor of your room even better.
Mix Sunrise and Sunset in the Room

As you know, things become more colorful in this part of the year. Because of that, it is recommendable that your room also has some sort of contrast. However, the black and white contract is not something we are talking about here. This is a lot better décor for winter.
Here, the combination of sunrise and sunset would be a lot better choice. For example, you can color all 4 walls into two different colors. One of them should be colored in lighter blue while the other one should be colored in some darker color. Both of them will symbolize the sunrise and sunset. You already know how these two things can be beautiful during the spring. They leave an even better impression than those during the summer because we were all waiting for them for more than 3 months. Well, it is something you can put in your room as well.
P.S. This design is most suitable for bedrooms.
Classic Combo

Many people like to experiment with things when we talk about the interior design of the rooms. However, some people would rather choose to stay classic. We do not want to say that this type of design is the best one. However, we can say it is the one that doesn’t require risk at all.
Our recommendation is to try to combine pink with chartreuse green. If you haven’t heard about this sort of green, then you deserve an explanation. It is the color of budding leaves and flower bulbs just waiting to open. In this way, your living room will be completely associated with the current moment. Despite that, you can add only 1 large image on the wall of the room. Logically, the image should contain flowers and the background should be colored in the mentioned green type of color.
Use Mint Green As Well

Indeed, the mint green was more popular before. However, it is once again becoming more popular. We do not want to say that your walls should be colored in that room. Yet, adding this color to your home with decorative accessories will be amazing. Additionally, you can add that color to your kitchen cabinets. Together with white painter floors, this will bring a completely new look to your rooms.
Everything Should Be Light

Yes, we already gave you a similar piece of advice. Yet, saying “goodbye” to the dark rooms during the spring is crucial. That’s why you should make a mix of light colors. This doesn’t mean that the entire room should be colored in white. For example, if the walls are white, then the curtains should be yellow, furniture should be colored in lighter-gray, etc. However, it should contain only 1 darker element that will break up the monotony. For instance, the small table that people usually have in their living rooms should be black.
Conclusion: Be Creative
Well, we gave you a couple of spring decorating ideas that you can apply. You can find more decorating ideas on the Home Refinery website as well. Maybe you were expecting a longer list. Still, you must match the home décor with your lifestyle. We all have different tastes. Because of that, different things make us feel happy and relaxed. That’s why you do not have to strictly follow our rules.