Being present online and making an impact is not as simple as it seems. In order to make an impact, you need to think about each aspect of your business strategy and every detail. Besides working on branding, the colors you will use and the content you will create, one thing may be forgotten – your URL. You have probably seen numerous links so far that just go on your nerves because they are just too long. Well, keep reading to find out why you should shorten your URLs.
It will make a huge part of the first impression

The visitors will assess your business style from the moment when they see your website. Every detail matters. They will assess if your website is user friendly, whether your support is good, but also many other things. When you send the link of the product to your potential customer and it has 3 full lines, the first thing they will think is that it is spam. It looks ugly and completely unprofessional. On the other hand, a short URL looks hassle-free, clean, and simple. It simply gives more confidence to the visitor and provides a better impression. Simply put – you will get their trust to click on the link and find out more about the content you have made.
Besides, they can be shared easier which will help you to improve your traffic signs and help you improve your impact online. Besides, customized links will do so much for your branding! You won’t be just some pile of letters, but a recognizable company with a clean link to prove it. If you don’t believe us, see for yourself how your link looks on websites such as We are sure that once you try it, you won’t look back!
It will improve your search engine rankings

Believe it or not, if you start shortening the URL of your website, your ranking will improve. Even though it won’t do it directly, the qualities it carries will result in a better ranking in time. If you start including the keyword you want to promote into the URL you will send to your customers, you will slightly push their attention in the right direction. They will know immediately what your website is about and that will influence forming their opinion. Every professional company will strive to provide the best content possible and provide the link that will match the wanted quality.
Better organization

Every person who works online has numerous files on the computer, but also numerous links that can truly make a mess if you don’t do your best to organize them. If you have more than one hundred links, it can be difficult to instantly know what the link is about. Simply customize the links so you can instantly know what the link is about. That will save your time significantly and help you do your job better and faster.
In addition, when you make a portfolio, you should add the links to your social media profiles, so that the potential clients and customers can find out more about you. However, it is much better when the link is customized because it will say a lot about your professionalism. Think about it – do you like more when you see a messy link or the one that is fully edited and customized? We thought so. That is the reason why you should definitely give it a try.
It will make your life much easier

If you are not sure why you just need to think about the number of links you send out daily. If that counts in dozens, that means that you are probably giving additional information for the countless number of links weekly. In order to help yourself and simplify the way work is done, simply create an informational URL that will say everything instead of you. Besides, we all want to have all the necessary info on a silver platter and within seconds because with the numerous things to do throughout our day, wasting time is not an option. Besides, if you are thinking about becoming an affiliate, by using a custom link you will increase your chances of making success since more people will click on the link that is short.
Short links look better on the business cards

Even though most things are done online, still when you meet someone new you will want to give them your business card so they can contact you. Since business cards are small, you need to include just the most important information. Social media profiles will certainly need to be on it, so it is necessary to customize your link so you can easily provide it on the business card. Besides, there is a greater chance that your potential client will remember a short link and find you easier than a long one, that is guaranteed. People don’t like to get bothered by the unnecessary things, so make it easier on them.
As you can see, there are numerous reasons why using shorter URLs recommended. When you start working on building your online presence it is necessary to think about each step you are making because that can make a significant change in the way your audience sees you and whether they will come back to you or not. Besides the practical side of having short URLs and the easiness of sharing, the links look more professional and better when they are shorter.
Make sure you are very careful about the online trail you leave behind. Keep in mind that people will judge you and form an opinion pretty fast. Only by working on the branding will help you stand out from the thousands of other websites online. When you think about it, using URL shorteners may be the easiest way from all the other tools and means for making the first impression better!