
Identifying the Difference Between PEMF and TENS

Many people are now discovering innovative treatments for their body pain. The orthodox and medicinal treatments often have many side effects. If you are one of the people looking for pain relief therapy, you have probably come across the PEMF and TENS treatments. These therapies are well-known to cure body …

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4 Modern Beach Wear to Protect Your Skin From the Heat

The ocean has a significant impact on people’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. So, it makes sense that millions of people spend quality time at the beach, bonding and having fun with their loved ones. When you expose your skin to the sun outdoors, like when at the beach, the …

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5 Ways Ormus Minerals Can Improve Your Mental Clarity and Focus

At times, it can be hard to focus or think straight. This can interfere with our everyday lives and many important projects we are engaged in. It’s possible to fumble things we’d otherwise do without any issue. That’s why a variety of useful supplements exist, aiming to remedy the issues …

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10 Things to Include in Your Diet to Increase Fertility

Whether you’re struggling to get pregnant and want to know how to boost your chances of conceiving or are just starting out on your journey, your diet plays a bigger role than you might think. As well as avoiding stress and tracking your menstrual cycle, being more mindful of the …

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Alcohol Addiction, Lockdowns, and the Rising Costs of Living

Alcohol addiction is on the rise not just amongst adults, but also among children – especially during the isolation period of lockdown. In the UK, approximately 2.6 million kids live with a parent who drinks excessively. With easy access to alcohol, children are prone to adopting the habits of adults …

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What Is Pulmonary Fibrosis? Causes and Treatment Options

In medical terms, pulmonary fibrosis refers to the extensive damage and scarring of the lungs, causing structural and functional impairments. In its progressive stages, the disease causes significant lung damage to cause breathlessness and hypoxia. Pulmonary fibrosis results in irreversible lung damage. However, medications and specific therapies can be employed …

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Inguinal Hernia: Symptoms, Prevention, and Cure

An inguinal hernia happens when tissues of the body, like the intestine, stick through in the abdominal muscle’s weak spot. The bulge feels painful, particularly when you lean over, cough, or move heavy objects. Meanwhile, an inguinal hernia is not always dangerous. The problem is that it does not go …

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Important Steps to Help Avoid Back Injuries at Work

A back injury is one of the most incapacitating ailments people suffer in the United States. Every day, employees put their backs at danger while working in a variety of ways, the majority of which are avoidable. Back injury prevention is vital, whether you work at a desk in an …

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Why Do We Need the 12-Step Program for Tackling Addiction?

Addiction comes in all kinds of phases in our lives. The addiction is of different types as well. People are addicted to drugs, they are addicted to alcohol, they are addicted to other things as well which would be unusual but such cases are rising daily such as addiction to …

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Hormone Replacement Therapy, What Is Its Importance?

In childhood, in adolescence, in all stages, the woman’s body changes, some of them “difficult” to understand, like the case of menopause and some of its main symptoms. Menopause is a period of life that is surrounded by controversy. Many paradigms have been built on that time which has slowly …

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