You are wrong if you think that the world of gambling is a man’s world. Nevertheless, women in the past had been brought to casinos as lucky charms, sitting next to the players and drawing attention to themselves, charmingly representing an effervescent mixture of entertainment, distraction, and superstition! Today, when we think of an average player, who do we picture in our minds? Is it the elderly, suited up man, with a gold ring and a hat? Or is it a young casually dressed millennial, looking for a little fun and extra money? Here’s the answer, it is not a “he“. It is a woman!
Over 60% of gamblers in all brick and mortar casinos, and especially in online casinos, are women! Studies show that women love betting just as much as the male population. Same as in any other industry, they have managed to slowly make a name for themselves and prove that they can be equal to men, even if the skills required have been considered unapproachable for them to master. However, there are certain preferences when it comes to the games they are playing:
1. Slots

Why do women have “hots for slots”? Well, they are an excellent starter game for ladies with no experience or interest in table games. Their engaging graphics and music make them perfect for each taste! Some would say that playing on slot machines is a great stress reliever, and also a safe “away from the eyes of peers” experience. When it comes to online slots, the experience is even better! It is simple, it doesn’t need any special skills to learn or strategies to use, it is a luck–based game in which anybody can be a winner. Pressure–free, and relaxing, it is a great place for a little fun. Cheaper than the others, but offering a chance to win big jackpots, slots can bring you a lot of thrill and entertainment along the way. There are countless games to check out and to choose the best one for you! Players are rewarded with bonuses simply for signing up, and another great thing is that online slot games can be played anywhere, anytime, completely anonymous. Winning on an online slot machine is itself a pleasurable experience because you feel like a real high–roller!
2. Live poker

Traditionally viewed as a male–led game, nowadays, it attracts ladies for the same reasons it’s popular among men. Women have been leading the rise of skills–based gaming, using the popular theory that “girls can’t play poker” to their advantage! They are currently dominating the streaming platforms of online live poker games. Seen as role models, they are encouraging other women to try it out and make a mark in the game! Skill requiring, but at the same time engaging, it is also interesting to women because of the need for strategic thinking, and a bit of luck to juice things up. Women are great in poker since they’re used to working under pressure, but they’ll also need to keep a cool head and not be carried away by emotion when they’re deciding to bet or to fold. This game is also appealing to ladies who are interested in observing and analyzing the reactions of people around them. Being able to control your own emotions as well as thinking logically, is a must for players to be able to understand when their opponent is bluffing. You can use your famous poker face even outside of the casino!
3. Roulette

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says roulette? We know. It is a luxury! A widely known fact is that women love luxury, which makes this game the king of all games of chance. It’s not uncommon to see people playing roulette in the movies, and we all know the names of at least a couple of worldwide famous casinos. Even when playing online, it is still heavily connected to glamour and glitz! Live streams of real games, their croupiers, wheel spinning, and numbers scoring bring an unparalleled thrill and a big adrenaline rush to all players, especially video player enthusiasts! Something about this game reminds women of the legendary TV show “Wheels of fortune“! Online casinos offer varieties of roulette games to choose from, which makes the whole experience even more fascinating! Roulette is a game that’s purely down to luck and it also has a very strong social angle. The importance of the game’s social angle for women can easily be noticed because they are more interested in the experience than in trying to beat the odds and win a fortune. Hitting that lucky number will make every woman (and men) come back for more!
4. Craps

If you are wondering who is tossing the dice in most of the casinos, we assure you the answer is women! The game just looks complicated, but it is actually pretty simple. This game seems to be extremely fun and thrilling. You have your own luck in your hands. It does require some skills and strategy but just like the others, it highly depends on luck. For some reason, women tend to understand this game better than men do! It is highly available thanks to the online casinos so it is easy to access and easy to roll. The unique experience of joy is just one of the reasons you should try it out! Online craps provide punters a lot of betting options, both high and low staking availability, which gives a healthy reward return.
The gambling community consists of a variety of players, but it has been proven that women have certain qualities that make them stand out compared to the others. The world of gambling slowly becomes their own battlefield, in which they gain more power every day! And with power, comes success, and money! Just remember the gorgeous Ginger from the “Casino” movie, and you’ll figure out that women nowadays want their desires and needs satisfied. They want everything, and they want it now!