Humanity is evolving at an incredible rate. With each passing day, technology is becoming more advanced, and people are finding new ways to make life easier for all of humanity. However, one country stands out when it comes to progress – and that is Japan. This is a technology-savvy country that has a lot to offer. The Japanese have some truly ingenious things, but also some unusual ones – that you can only see there. That is why we have decided to present to you some of the best Japanese inventions and ideas that other countries in the world should use.
What Unusual Inventions Does The Land Of The Rising Sun Have?
To make their lives easier, the Japanese have devised many unusual inventions. However, these are just a few, and there are thousands of them. We are already used to being a specific people with very imaginative ideas. From bizarre commercials to crazy inventions. Because of this, they have always been a bit weird and funny to the rest of the world – but this is not the slightest problem for them. Japan, as one of the world’s leading powers, is one of the most technologically advanced countries. So we are not surprised at the fact that every day they invent a new useful item or accessory.
The Secret Of Japanese Success – They Are Worth It
Although they live in the Far East, the Japanese are a paradigm for work, discipline, and hard work in all parts of the world. In their commitment to work, they are different from all other nations. That’s what the statistics say. During one calendar year, the average Japanese man spends 2450 hours at work, and in this respect, they are absolute record holders. In the United States, for example, that number is 1957 hours, in the United Kingdom 1911, while the Germans spend 1870 hours a year on the job.
How And Why Are The Japanese So Hard Working?
There are many reasons for that – and what is most important, you can apply most of their principles in strengthening your business spirit and efficiency. Some of the basic principles on which the Japanese build their success for centuries are perseverance and inventive spirit.
Persistence – The Japanese Never Give Up
Although they have extremely difficult historical periods behind them, it seems as if the Japanese spirit is unbreakable. We only remember a period from recent history. The atomic bomb was dropped on Japanese territory and emerged as a defeated state from World War II, and yet their development was lightning-fast in the aftermath. At the heart of their inexhaustible energy lies a formula called Shippaigaku – commonly known as the science of failure. With problems being tackled, the shortcomings outweigh the knowledge and commitment to solving problems. This is evidenced because they are located in a shaky area, but this did not prevent them from living in skyscrapers and creating an extremely effective system of earthquake protection.
The Inventing Spirit
The Japanese people have an inventive spirit, but above all, they have the fantastic ability to advance and develop inventions to perfection and make a planetary hit from them. Such is the case with the famous Walkman. The cartridges are, for example, the patent of Philip Electronics, while the revolutionary Walkman as a logical development of the use of cartridges is an invention of the Japanese company Sony. The Walkman instantly became a planetary hit. In the first ten years of production, Sony has sold as many as 50 million devices. According to Campus Press, to fully indulge in inventive work, you need the help of experienced companies such as those involved in patent protection.
Only In the Land of the Rising Sun: Japanese Inventions That Would Welcome Us
All of you who travel to Japan will find that even toilets can do almost anything. The first thing that strikes your eye is their decency. We don’t just mean hygiene – that is undeniable. We think of real polite toilets that greet you when you come in – and say “Hello.” In our list of Japanese inventions, we won’t be presenting the famous Shinkansen trains, but some of the inventions you may not have heard of. These are some funny things used by the Japanese that would be good for all of us.
1. Hot towels (Oshibori) for wiping hands

You get these towels in Japan at the beginning of each meal. And for the entree and main course and dessert, there are no napkins, but wipe your hands nice and clean with warm towels.
2. Electric carpet

The ancient Persians knew the flying carpet, today’s Japanese use electricity. Sure, it is not for the same purpose. Electric carpet is some form of underfloor heating. As the Japanese often sit on the floor at a low chair, in winter it is convenient to sit on a heated carpet and bend their legs under the body. The rug looks like a regular room rug. It’s thinner than you’d expect, except some kind of foil is placed underneath, which serves as a guide to heat. It is connected to an energy source via a switch housing, often with remote control. The temperature on the surface of the carpet is reportedly around 45 degrees Celsius.
3. Hotels for very sleepy people

Such hotels are very popular. These are places that provide you with very small rooms that are specially made for sleeping. Those who work hard and don’t have time to go home – often visit places like this to rest.
4. First Aid Drinkomats

Ok, not everyone has this, but many hot and cold beverage appliances also offer first aid kits. Not only that, but they also offer defibrillators now! Perhaps this is also one of the reasons for the longevity of the Japanese.
5. Cans for the blind

People with disabilities are poorly addressed in many parts of the world, but in Japan, they are a priority. How much attention is paid to them can be seen from the fact that all the cans are marked so that blind ones know where the drink opening is.
6. Special gas stations

In addition to having electric and eco pumps, the Japanese have made their pumps so that the fuel hoses are located above the car. This means that you will be able to fill your car from all sides. Therefore, you do not have to choose the right place or side at the pump.
7. Musical Roads

In Japan, some roads make music with your tires. To hear music, you have to drive according to regulations, so this is a great way to control your speed.