Tag Archives: home

6 Trendy Ways To Use Marble Wallpaper In Your Home

Marble has been used for centuries. The Pantheon in Athens, the Taj Mahal in Agra, and the Washington Monument are only to name a few famous and majestic structures that incorporate the use of it. However, with rising costs in procuring marble, using true marble as part of home décor …

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Why you need to hire Roofing Contractor

If you ask someone what they think is the most important part of their home, they will probably tell you it’s the roof. “Make sure to always have a roof over your head” is not just a saying. If you happen to experience some issues with your roof, it may …

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What is cocoa roasting and how you can do it at home?

Cocoa roasting has lately been very popular among the chocolate lovers. One of the most amazing things about roasted cocoa is the fact that you can do it at home by yourself! This cocoa transformation results in the most amazing taste, and at the end of the whole process, you …

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The 5 Indoor Plants That You Should Have In Your Home

There is a wide range of things that can easily make any room in your home to the next level. Whether it is a new bookshelf, a cool sofa, or a new coffee table, one thing is for sure, plants cannot only make a room look better, but they can …

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Top 5 Holiday Season Home Security Risks

‘Tis the season to be jolly, right? That’s how we like to feel from Halloween through New Year’s. But what is a festive season for us law-abiding citizens is equally festive for criminals. Those who specialize in property crimes absolutely love this time of year. You do not want to …

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What Are Rubber Grommets And Where Are They Used?

Rubber grommets are something that you’ve already probably seen a lot of times in your life, you just don’t quite remember them because you think they’re another insignificant item laying down in your garage. However, that’s not entirely true, and rubber grommets have very significant use in many different scenarios. …

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Should You Use Your Home AC For Heating?

Summer is now officially over, and the temperature outside is definitely going through a few changes. What was considered to be “completely unbearable” a few weeks ago, today is the temperature that we desire to feel. It won’t take long before we start seeing the number dropping below the zero …

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The Most Common Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself 

There are many of us who enjoy doing occasional DIY projects around the house. After all, everything that you manage to do on your own means one less person you have to pay to get the job done for you. Owning a house or an apartment isn’t cheap and they …

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How To Deal with Culture Shock When Teaching Abroad

Traveling the world and teaching English abroad can be an amazing thing. You get to see sites unique to that region, explore and learn about the culture and history and you get to meet people who are different than you. It is a great way to expand your horizons. But …

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