Having a tree or two in your garden can really take your gardening game to the next level. These large and silent lifeforms can do so much for the environment that they live in. They clean your air for you, provide animals with places to nest in, and they make their surroundings look lovely. If you have a tree or growing on your property, you should consider yourself lucky. This is because trees also add to the overall value of your property.
Trees are quite hardy and they do not need someone to dote on them. However, this doesn’t mean that a tree does not need to be maintained. Just like your bushes and any other plant that you have, trees need maintenance as well. A well-maintained tree looks better and grows better. It also has a lesser chance of becoming a safety hazard.
Unlike other plants, you shouldn’t try to maintain your tree on your own. Trees are tall and heavy. This makes them hard and also dangerous to trim. You must have the right tools, equipment, and training in order to safely cut a tree. An untrained pair of hands can also be dangerous for the tree itself. A tree’s health can become compromised if it isn’t cut in the right way at the right time. This is why it is recommended that you get in touch with experts like treeserviceschattanooga.com when you’re about to have a tree trimmed.
How to Spot an Unhealthy Tree

Just like other living things, trees are also susceptible to health problems. There are plenty of problems that your trees could experience. In order to keep your trees healthy, you must be able to tell when your tree is feeling unwell.
There are a variety of tell-tale signs that can help you gauge your tree’s overall health. Unfortunately, many of these signs are hard to spot if you aren’t experienced in tree care. In most cases, obvious signs only start manifesting when it is already too late for the tree.
As a tree owner, you cannot expect to accurately diagnose any problem with your trees. However, you can keep an eye out for trouble. When trees become afflicted by some disease or begin to weaken due to malnutrition, their growth becomes affected. You might notice that your tree’s existing leaves are wilting. In many cases, a diseased tree produces deformed new leaves.
If your tree begins shedding leaves at an odd time of the year, it is probably unwell. Whenever you feel that your tree is showing signs of illness, you should contact an expert immediately. If handled at the right time and in the correct manner, you can save your tree quite easily.
How to Care For a Tree

There are a number of factors that play a role in determining a tree’s health. In order to have your trees prosper, you must be aware of all these factors. Since trees are more valuable than regular plants and bushes, it is advised that people should hire professionals to look after them. You can find botanists who can guide you on what needs to be done in order to keep your tree in good shape. However, if you don’t want to do this, you can look for information on the web and manage things yourself.
- Trimming and pruning are essential for any plant. Trees should be trimmed and pruned once or twice a year. Once during winter and once at the start of spring. Timely trimming helps get rid of diseased and damaged branches. It also encourages trees to focus on strengthening their branches rather than extending them. A tree that has been trimmed in the winter will grow really well in spring. Keep in mind that trimming a tree is one thing that you shouldn’t try by yourself. It can be dangerous work since you have to climb a tree in order to reach its branches. Also, any branches that fall during the trimming could potentially hurt someone or something.

- Soil quality is important for any plant. Trees get a lot of their nutrition from the ground. This means that your soil’s quality will determine how much nutrition is your tree getting. Soil quality is something that should be checked once or twice a year. And it can be tricky to figure out if you don’t know what to do. Every tree species has its own requirements and there are all kinds of soil readings. You must know your tree’s requirements and then use plant food supplements and fertilizer in order to bring your soil to the right level. It is worth knowing that trees can be over-fertilized as well. This can have an adverse impact on their health.

- Become familiar with your tree. Trees grow slowly and they get sick slowly. This means that unless you are really familiar with your tree, there’s a very good chance that you won’t be able to spot signs of disease until it is already too late. The best way to familiarize yourself with your tree is to do some research on it. Read up about it and on any diseases that it can be susceptible to. Most diseases can be brought under control if you spot them in their early stages

These are the three main factors that you should be aware of if you want to take care of your trees by yourself. You should keep in mind that caring for a tree can be a lot tougher than it sounds. You need a lot of experience and knowledge in order to keep a tree in good shape. This is why it is advisable that you take professional help. The last thing you want is to make a mistake that can end up ruining your tree.
Professional tree service can be expensive. This is why a lot of people try to avoid it. But it is also worth the money since it ensures that your trees continue living and growing.