
How to Write a Creative Essay: 2024 Guide for Students?

If you are struggling with writing your creative essay, here are some of the tips you should start focusing on the writing process, which entails idea generation, and essay planning, are some of the ways of getting the best essays.

English instructors often allocate their student’s creative writing assignments to assess their writing capabilities. Although writing may seem easy for some students, others continue to struggle with the process. Indeed, not everyone was born to be a writer, and for some, even writing a simple essay is a daunting task. If you are looking to do a simple essay, here is how to do it:

Be specific about what your work


You must first understand what a creative essay is and what it entails. One of the worst mistakes students make is writing what they think they were to do, instead of what they were expected to do by their teacher.

As a student, you should carefully read all instructions and make sure they follow the guidelines set by their teachers. A creative essay is an assignment, and the student is expected to come up with a story and write it down creatively.

The creative essay topic is either assigned by the teacher, or the teacher can give the student the free will to choose the subject of the piece by themselves. It’s essential to know that writing an essay is not easy, unlike an ordinary writer narrating a story.

For a creative essay, the main goal is to creatively identify, and show an original story within the specified time and chosen number of words. You are not be restricted from using aiding tools; indeed, you can always use the assistance of specific online tools, like, and this will make the writing process much easier for you.

Identify and select a subject


This is one of the hardest things to accomplish when thinking what to write about, and writing a creative essay. Choosing an essay topic can be a daunting task, leaving many students often undecided. However, if your teacher has already chosen your problem for you, then the most challenging part of the essay is over.

On the other hand, if no problem has been selected for you, then you have to start by choosing the essay topic before getting started. In most cases, for assignments like creative essay writing, teachers often give a late window period for working on and submitting assignments. Nonetheless, it would help if you did not spend so much time thinking about your subject.

Another important consideration when choosing the subject of your creative essay is always to choose what you would like to write about, as opposed to what you think you want your teacher to read. Always remember that you will ever write well about a subject you are passionate and knowledgeable about, as opposed to one in which you are not.

When thinking about a subject, you can think of local topics or themes. Indeed, a problem can be about anything, but the best bet would be to choose a topic about local things, such as the things that happen to you in your everyday student life, or interesting occurrences in students’ lives.

You can also choose to write about fantasy or a story that you have always wanted to tell. There are many topics you can choose from; you need to be open-minded and select a topic you can quickly elaborate and work on.

However, if you are still blank, and don’t know what to write about, then it’s a good idea to consider the concept ‘Freewriting’. Freewriting entails writing all the thoughts that come to mind, and whatever else, on a piece of paper.

Doing this is helpful to your writing process as it will enable you to identify, think through, and narrow down on the topic you would like to focus on. Doing this quite often will make it easier to narrow down and help you identify the specific item to write about.

Choose the form of the Story


Writing a story may seem simple, but there are many ways to go about the writing process. A story is often told in the form of a narrative, but others choose to narrate their stories in first-person. For example, ‘I went to the store, and then I walked home.’ Writing in the third person is in the form of, ‘Ted went to the store, and then walked home.’ Once you choose your narration form, stick to it for the entire article.

Just Tell your Story

This may seem easy to do but isn’t. Your teacher expects to know your writing abilities. Therefore, tell your Story and do not be afraid of being different or funny.

Once it started, don’t stop

Once you get started on your first draft, please don’t stop until you finish it. Continue writing even if you feel that your grammar is not proper, or that you won’t be able to finish on time.

Always ask for help whenever you need it

Asking for help in writing is not a sign of weakness, it’s a show that you are learning, willing to make mistakes, and keep working on the same. If you find that your topic is not easy to complete by yourself, always ask for help from friends and family to get your work completed. Sites, like buyessay-online, offer essay writing services at a reasonable rate.

You can use a dictionary

If you are not sure about meanings of words or phrases, always use a dictionary. You can also find synonyms or antonyms in a thesaurus, such as

Have three drafts of your work

Drafting at least three different copies of your work will make it easy to polish and ensure your work is the best. The first draft makes it easier to do your work, while the second draft is to ensure the message behind your work is evident. The third draft ensures everything in the essay is smoothened out.

Get Opinions on your Work

You can solicit opinions from others regarding your work; to capture reviews, corrections, and honest opinion regarding your work. Don’t always look for what you want to hear.

Proofread your work

Before you submit your work, ensure the grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and even the flow of your work is correct.

About Suzana Kovacevic