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6 Stunning Tips For Attractive Web Design in 2024

Some 48% of people believe that the design of a website is the number one factor in determining the business credibility of the company in question. The first impression is invaluable, and the website is the best advertisement and representation. With this in mind, we give you six stunning tips for attractive web design. For even more help, check out

1. Add necessary elements that add value

It is very easy to get caught up in all the fun and engaging elements when designing a website. It has to visually appealing, but adding tons of different elements for more and more dimensions of visuals is not always the way to go. Cluttered and overwhelming websites tend to be all over the place, and the “in your face” approach can be counterproductive. The general rule of thumb is, if it does not serve a clear and useful purpose, you do not need it. Each and every element should have its own purpose.

Some of the things to avoid are false click buttons that simply sit there as ornaments. People will waste time clicking on things that look clickable and get frustrated. If it is not a button but looks like one, remove it. Aesthetics are fine, but everything should look professional, clean, and useful too. It’s recommended you work with professional companies or individuals, like these web designers in Kansas City, when planning any changes to website design, but you are expected to contribute ideas and come up with a vision for the final product.

2. Design for the user first


It is understandable that you want you to want a website that you like yourself. However, you have to remember who you are making it for. The audience and customers will appreciate a user-friendly approach, not a preview of who you are as a person in the form of a company website. When designing beautiful websites, what you want to designs for the user. The audience comes to a website to learn and explore the services the site offers, and it is important to build a site for them, not for you as a designer, or for the company to boat about.

It should all be about the best user experience possible. Things like your design format, navigation, and visual elements are the most important, but so is the content. If they like what they can achieve on the website, chances are they will want to work with the company itself or buy their product or service.

3. Colors and theme should align with the brand

All beautiful websites have the colors that align with the recognizable brand and its logo or slogan. When you design a site, the right color scheme is a must. The colors greatly impact how users look at the brand, and it either makes them stay or leave.

Different colors have different meanings, and there has been extensive research into what colors make customers happy, hungry, excited, hopeful, sad, etc. Before you choose a color, think about the message you want the site to send, and what message the brand is about. Regarding the brand, do not deviate from its colors for the website. To achieve brand consistency, use the same colors they are recognizable for and which they use in the logo and marketing.

4. Add visual elements for a website beautiful

When accessing a website for the first time, users love to see elements that catch their attention and remain with them for a while. Visuals that draw them in and make them return are the key because they add balance and comfort to your page, and act as a fun and relaxing medium.

Thousands of different visual elements exist that you can use on your new webpage. These include photos, videos, infographics, etc. Some brands and companies use a lot of photos and videos to engage the users, which can be bad (remember number 1 on the list?). Make sure to stay within reasonable limits. Remember that everything has to make sense and add meaning to your business. Images for the sake of images are not the way to go. They should display your facilities, your employees, and your product or service. In addition, these should be original images and not stock photos from the internet.

When it comes to videos on your website, they can be there to share an abundance of information about the history of your company, the facility, a product, or a presentation of the staff. Since YouTube has become so popular in the recent decade, use the video craze to present your company in several minutes. It is always more fun than reading!

5. Choose the right font

Often overlooked is the font designer’s use for the websites. Sites generally have a lot of text that tends to be very important for the users. Other than the obligatory menu, all of the information they need will be on pages that contain some kind of text. This also plays a big part in the beauty of the site. The typography impacts the audience interacts on the site, so it really needs to look right.

First of all, stick with one main font, and maybe one more for less important details. Too many fonts are hard to read and tend to be repulsive. The result of this is a negative experience on your site, something you have to avoid at all costs. If they have trouble reading your information and navigate the pages, how will they get in touch with you or but form you? Go with the fonts that work well between themselves and with your overall theme and approach. Trust us, the look of message delivery is crucial in business.

6. Test your website


As with anything else, before you officially release it, you will have to test it. When you are done with the design, a test phase is in order. Different elements on your site require additional care in order to see how they affect the audience, and if they are programmed right.

Testing these elements will allow you to see if changes can influence the audience’s experience, if they add to it, do nothing, or perhaps make it worse. Such insight is important because you can learn how to make it even better. For the clearest results, focus on individual parts of the site and see how the changes behave. These do not have to be big, and simple changes like colors of buttons can make people click them more. If nothing happens, it is fine if it improves amazingly! If it becomes worse, you can always go back. Do not be afraid to experiment, but not too much and too drastic.


Website Redesign – The Complete Guide

About Suzana Kovacevic