If you are into BDSM, whether a lighter or an extreme version, one thing is for sure. You will certainly need some toys so as to turn your fantasies into reality. So, in case you are into power play, you should upgrade your nightstand with the toys that will turn your bedroom into a real sex temple. Okay, you don’t need to take it that far if you don’t want to, but you’ll certainly need to buy a few things.
There are quite a lot of different BDSM tools that you can enjoy with your lover and this plethora of choices might make it difficult for you to decide which products you want to get and which not. Let’s face it. You probably want them all, but if you’re just getting started with power play, I suggest you take it slowly and buy one thing at a time.
After all, I don’t suppose you want to spend all your savings on these toys right away. If you do, however, nobody is stopping you. Shop away and fill your bedroom with all kinds of sexy tools. I’m sure that you will fall in love with a lot of those, so let us take a look at our list of kinky BDSM sex toys that you will absolutely go crazy about.
Check more information here: https://sextoyinsights.com/bdsm-toys/

There’s no BDSM play without a blindfold, am I right? There’s something about sense deprivation that makes people horny while only thinking about it. Of course, it’s even much better in reality than it is in your wildest imaginations. Sure, you can just put a tie around someone’s eyes, but the truth is that the feeling won’t be the same as when you get an actual blindfold that is made exactly for these purposes.
The fact that these blindfolds are created with this particular purpose in mind makes them extremely appealing to everyone. Of course, if you don’t want to spend money on this particular tool right now, you can always replace it with that necktie that I have mentioned, or find another alternative. Yet, I strongly suggest investing in an actual BDSM blindfold at some point. Go here to see some more toys you should invest in

Handcuffs certainly go hand in hand with blindfolds, right? Since we are speaking about power play here, could you possibly think of a better way to either deprive someone of power, or give them full power over you then with the help of handcuffs? These are an absolute must have in every kinky, BDSM bedroom.
The best part is, handcuffs are certainly not expensive and there are a lot of different types and designs to choose from. You can choose a style that fits in well with your personality and you won’t need to worry about breaking the budget at all. So, surprise your partner with a pair of handcuffs and watch their excitement literally grow. I’m sure you’ll both enjoy this simple, yet extremely hot, BDSM toy.
Intense Impact Cane

While the two tools above are perfect for beginners as well as advanced practitioners, an intense impact cane is certainly not recommended for people who are just starting out with the BDSM play. Using and controlling these requires some skills that beginners simply won’t have. If you have been into BDSM for a while now, though, and if you enjoy either giving or receiving stingy blows, then you should definitely invest in a cane.
Just like with any other sex toy out there, there are a lot of different types of canes on the market. My suggestion is to get the one that will be easy to control and, of course, that will look great while you are holding it in your hands and showing it to your partner who is in anticipation of what might happen next. You won’t go wrong with this tool.
Riding Crop

When searching for kinky sex toys, you cannot fail to take a look at the riding crop. This particular tool will look almost the same as the cane, but there is actually one important difference that you need to keep in mind when doing your shopping. Unlike the cane, the riding crop stings a lot less and there is a simple reason for that. It has a greater surface area.
This also allows you to specifically and more precisely target certain smaller parts of the body, such as nipples for example. If you and your lover are into things like these, investing in a riding crop will be one of the best decisions you have ever made. After all, there’s no BDSM play without some stinging and whipping, and a riding crop can help you do just that and add some excitement to your bedroom.
Bondage Tape

Here’s another toy that you definitely need to invest in when you decide to get a little kinky and engage in BDSM. I’m talking about bondage tape and even though you might think that regular duct tape can replace it very well, the truth is that it most definitely can’t. Unlike duct tape, bondage tape sticks only to itself and it is rather strong and durable, meaning that it won’t get ripped or stick to your hair and your skin. This makes it a rather safe and yet highly effective BDSM toy that will make your bondage play amazing.